Pocari Sweat

Pocari Sweat


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POCARI SWEAT is a health drink that contains a balance of ions (electrolytes) that resembles the natural fluid balance in the human body. Quickly and easily replenishes the water and ions that your body needs, and quenches every part of you.

Easily replenishes water and ions

This health drink lets you easily replenish the fluids and ions lost while sweating.

Perfect when playing sports or after a hot bath

POCARI SWEAT is quickly absorbed by the body as it is a solution that approximates the electrolyte concentration in the human body. It is the perfect beverage for those that have been perspiring while playing sports, working, or taking a hot bath. It can also hydrate you first thing in the morning.

How long does POCARI SWEAT remain drinkable after the cap has been opened?

Since POCARI SWEAT contains no chemical preservatives, you should finish the bottle on the same day you open it, if you touch your mouth to the bottle when drinking it. If you pour the beverage into another container before drinking it and keep the remainder in a refrigerator, we suggest finishing the bottle in two to three days. It is best to choose a size that you can finish in a reasonably short time.


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